

We believe…

That all people have a unique and precious essence and raison d’etre to be honored, supported and cultivated.

That all lives have purpose and meaning, and that the role of Living Unlimited is to allow and encourage all people to find themselves and fulfil their destinies.

In providing an opportunity for all our participants to develop a sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

That everyone has unique interests and aspirations, which they approach in their own way and own pace.

In creating and promoting opportunities for our farmers and ranchers to grow socially, emotionally, intellectually, culturally and spiritually by encouraging them to make their own decisions as to interests, activities and friends.

That all people, regardless of their abilities, have innate value and dignity and will be treated with respect.

In the the concept of self-determination. All people, including those with disabilities, have the right to establish their own friendships and to choose the environments in which they live, work, and play.

That the rights, interests and preferences of all should be honored, including the right to be fully included in the mainstream of society, the right to associate with others with special needs, and the right to solitude.

In helping the people with whom we work to develop self-reliance and independence and also to learn interdependence and the ability to work with others.

That the programs at Living Unlimited should be molded to fit the needs of the people we serve, rather than demanding them to mold themselves to fit the program.

In the concept of a hierarchy of needs. Each day and for each farmer and rancher, we will strive to ensure the fulfillment of basic physiological and safety needs, promote opportunities for love and belonging. At the same time, we will address esteem needs, such as freedom of choice, competence, pride in achievement, mastery, independence, self-respect, respect from others.

In person-centered planning, where the needs of the individual are paramount.

In creating a place for exceptional people to be themselves, free of the pressure to be someone other than who they are.

Join our team

Everyone involved with Living Unlimited is a volunteer. Our ability to deliver on our mission is directly related to the available resources, which are limited. If you have some time, the talent and a commitment to LU’s mission, please consider adding your talents to this important effort.

It is not upon us to finish the work.
Neither are we free to desist from it.
— Rabbi Tarfon (70-130 AD)

Board of Directors

Katie Carney

Katie Carney
Maureen McLean

Maureen McLean
Mary Beth Herner

Mary Beth Herner
Mary Heller

Mary Heller
Jackie Daley

Jackie JacksonDaley
Susan Riggle Waterson

Susan Riggle Waterson

Advisory Council

Mindy Szalay

Mindy Szalay
Maia Asiano

Maia Asiano
Cara Dressler

Cara Dressler
Lilian P. Ansari, MS

Lilian P. Ansari, MS
Tracy Lightenberg

Tracy Lightenberg
Mary Henderson

Mary Henderson
Carrie Smith

Carrie Smith